Tag: Ramadan

President-elect Tinubu

Tinubu to Muslims: Let’s not be weary of doing what’s right



We thank Munificent Allah for the grace to witness this year’s Eid-el-fitri celebration after the Holy Month of Ramadan.

For Muslims in our country and all over the world, Ramadan is a sacred spiritual obligation as one of the five pillars of Islam. With the help of Almighty Allah, we have gone through a period of abstinence, self-discipline, self-reflection, self-purification in gratitude and total submission to the will of Allah.
We have engaged in fervent prayers and supplications to Allah.

Beyond the self-abnegation and pious living that the fasting period imposed on us, the spiritual excercise we just concluded has also helped us to improve on our moral character, refine our minds in pursuit of higher ideals for which there should be no turning back.

At the heart of our faith and a major demand on all faithful is the requirement to commit ourselves to wholesome living. This entails love for one another, love for fellow humans regardless of creed, region and ethnicity, love for our communities and love for country.

To love one another, have compassion, empathy and love our beloved country means we must become better citizens in line with the teachings of Prophet Muhammed.

We must constantly seek to become a better version of ourselves in patriotism, dedication to duty and honesty. We must also never be weary of doing what is right, fair and just to all.

We are at the dawn of a Renewed Hope for a better, greater and a more prosperous Nigeria and I stand ready to walk with all Nigerians, young and old, male and female, with this opportunity to serve you in honour and dignity. This is a commitment that I have made and one in which we cannot afford to fail.

I wish all Muslims in Nigeria and beyond happy Sallah celebration.

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu
President-Elect, Federal Republic of Nigeria
April 20, 2023


Let’s live in peace and Justice: Tinubu’s Ramadan message



As we begin this year’s Ramadan, I bring warm greetings and congratulations to all Muslims who have received the grace of Almighty Allah to witness this holy month.

Ramadan is more than a month of fasting. We fast to strengthen our relationship and our appreciation of Allah. We fast to make ourselves better servants of both Allah and our fellow man. However, this month is more than abstention from food and drink from dawn to dusk. It must entail imbibing the spirit and true meaning behind the holy month. We must keep hold of the excellent and wonderful things the holy month of Ramadan signifies.

As we embark on fasting and spiritual reflection, let us proceed, imbued with the spirit of sacrifice, self – discipline, goodwill, justice, tolerance, mercy, compassion and generousity that lie at the heart of Islam.

Let us strive to emulate Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) example of humility, forgiveness, and service to others.

Let us move in this way that we may make of ourselves a better people and nation in which all people, Muslim and non-Muslim, may live in trust, peace and justice as Allah would have it be.

As we engage in supplications to Allah, let us also remember our country and leaders in our prayers.

Let us remember our diversity is for a purpose and pray that we all work to strengthen it. We must join hands to bring progress in Nigeria by praying for unity and progress. The lessons of the holy month of Ramadan point to the success of unity, not the failure of division.

May this Ramadan bring us all closer to Allah. May our fasting and prayers be accepted. May this holy month be a time of peace, unity, and harmony in Nigeria and for all humanity.

Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims in Nigeria and across the world!


Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu
President-Elect, Federal Republic of Nigeria
March 23, 2023.


Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a man of many traditional honours across the country, from north to south, west to east. The array of titles he has garnered was only comparable to that of Chief Moshood Abiola, winner of the 1993 Presidential election.


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