Tag: President-Elect Bola Tinubu


Let the healing process begin: President-elect Tinubu speaks again


With the conclusion of the Governorship and State Houses of Assembly elections, I congratulate all the elected governors and assembly members for earning the mandate of the people. The March 18 governorship election held across 28 states and the state legislative poll across the 36 states of the federation have brought the 2023 election cycle to a fitting close.

I must praise President Muhammadu Buhari, the Independent National Electoral Commission, security agencies, Observer Groups, Civil Society Organisations, development partners and the electorate for the success of the elections. The election is pivotal to the growth and sustenance of democracy and democratic governance at the state level.

Consolidating democratic governance at the sub-national level will bring more development and improved quality of life to the masses. The more we entrench and consolidate the gains of our democratic venture across the length and breadth of our country, the more our people benefit in terms of dividends of democracy and good governance.

However, I’m saddened by the reported isolated infractions during the elections and its aftermath in some states. I strongly condemn it. Also, the report of arson after the announcement of governorship results in one state did not represent who we truly are: peace-loving people.

The physical and verbal assaults committed are unacceptable and antithetical to democratic ethos.

Elections should be a celebration of our maturing democracy and freedom of choice and ought not to be moments of grief. I am particularly pained by cases of ethnic slurs, which are capable of creating needless mis-characterisation reported in some locations.

My appeal is for us to rise above our differences, which, in reality, are fewer than the valued strings that bind us together as a people irrespective of the circumstances of our births.

As former governor of Lagos State, I can attest to the strength in our diversity and togetherness. As your President-elect, it is that spirit of inclusiveness we engendered in Lagos that I intend to bring into national governance so that together we can attain our full potentials.

I will give priority to expanding the civic space and safeguarding citizens’ freedom to exercise their rights within the bounds of the law.

Indeed, the elections are over. The people have voted to elect their governors and state legislators that will serve them for the next four years. The time for leadership and governance is now upon us.

In a democracy, majority would have their way but that majority must not suppress the minority from having their say. As democrats, we have to safeguard free expression. Winners must be magnanimous and those who did not win should have a large heart for tolerance and respect for the greater interest of the nation.

As the elected, the only way to justify the trust and confidence of the people and the mandate entrusted in us is to commit ourselves to the service of the people. We must all work diligently and sincerely to make life better for the masses. As elected officers, we have no other assignment than to be burden-bearers for the masses and ensure they have better life that we promised during the campaigns.

We must take urgent steps to unite the people; those who voted for us and those who did not. We must champion the healing process by embracing the opponents and their supporters. As I have stated previously, the time for politicking is gone. This is time for nation building, a task beyond one individual or a section of the society. We need every hand from wherever it may come to be on deck.

I am ready to work with you all as your President. I will be a worthy partner you can trust and rely on as we all bond together, in unity of purpose and renewed hope for, the betterment of our blessed country and beloved people.

Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, President-elect,
Federal Republic of Nigeria March 21, 2023


Nigeria at the cusp of renewed hope, says President-elect Tinubu

Nigeria : At the Cusp of Renewed Hope
By-Bola Ahmed Tinubu, President-Elect,

A fair, credible election has been held and has been won. The honor of that victory and the steep responsibility it entails has fallen on me. I say this not to gloat or boast because there is no room for such behavior. I merely state the facts as they are.

I realize many good and well-meaning Nigerians voted for other candidates. They are naturally disappointed that their favored candidate did not win. Other candidates have voiced their dissatisfaction, stating they will go to court to contest the election. This is inherent to the democratic process. We defend their right to seek legal recourse. While they exercise the legal rights afforded them in our democracy, I have set my course and mind on the leadership of this nation. We have important work to do and I am committed to getting that work done for the benefit of all the people, whether or not they voted for me or even voted at all.

This is not the time for continued acrimony and partisan recrimination. These negative things can incite strong passions; but they are not the pathway to a better nation. Only unity and national commitment can serve that purpose..

Critics of Nigeria have been too quick to conclude that our political system is fragmented because of the impressive showing of new parties and their candidates. These critics are wrong. The emergence of the new parties and their candidates underscores the dynamic strength of our democracy. People want democracy to work and they want to have their voices heard and interests met within it. This is a good thing to be promoted, not something to be feared.

What must concern us is not the growth of parties but the regrowth of old prejudices and bigotries such as ethnicity, creed and place of origin. As a nation and as individuals imbued with the love of God and of our fellow man, we are better than this. At some point we must decide whether we shall be enticed by the ills of the past or shall we more bravely and nobly be encouraged by the eminent prospect of a brighter future.

There have been times in our past when our governing institutions created more questions than they answered. But the arc of our political history gives me confidence that we can overcome that past. We have walked through the thick of the night to emerge into the light of brighter days to come. There is no good reason to retreat into the darkness of years past.

We must begin to repair and rebuild this national home of ours. There is time to complete the task, but time is also of the essence. We must not tarry or fret over the enormity of what we face.

We are able of mind and body. Now, we must show the spirit and willpower to accomplish the historic things that lie within our grasp.

As your incoming president, I accept the task before me. There has been talk of a government of national unity. My aim is higher than that. I seek a government of national competence. In selecting my government, I shall not be weighed down by considerations extraneous to abiilty and performance. The day for political gamesmanship is long gone. I shall assemble competent men and women and young people from across Nigeria to build a safer, more prosperous and just Nigeria. There shall be young people. Women shall be prominent. Whether your faith leads you to pray in a church or mosque will not determine your place in government. Character and competence will.

To secure our nation and to make it prosperous must be our top priorities. We cannot sacrifice these goals to political expediencies. The whims of politics must take a backseat to the imperatives of governance.

We have bridges and roads to build not just for commerce and travel but to connect people of different faiths, parties and different outlooks in harmonious dialogue and common purpose. We have families to feed not just to eliminate hunger but to nurture enlightenment, civic responsibility and compassion. We have jobs to create not merely to put people to work but to afford all a better standard of living by which families and communities are improved and democracy deepened. We have water to replenish not just to quench physical thirst but to ignite a thirst for creative and better solutions to society’s challenges. We have a nation to protect such that we eliminate danger and even the fear of danger. May all of our people be able to live their lives in the light of peace and the glow of broadening prosperity.

An important step toward restoring economic normalcy has been taken by the Supreme Court’s decision on the parity of old and new notes . This restores both the rule of law and economic decency. But this is not the end of the story. It is merely the beginning of a more comprehensive solution to our economic challenges.

Our Renewed Hope Action Plan outlines goals for greater economic growth in our cities and rural communities. We are committed to an economy of double-digit GDP growth, greater food security and one with a strengthened manufacturing base as well as an active digital economy where young people will have ample space to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.

I realize that I am the servant of a larger purpose. As such, I have gone straight to work.

My team and I have been daily engaged in discussions and meetings refining our ideas and policy solutions so that we can begin actively working toward the common good the very first day we assume office.

This great project called Nigeria beckons to us all.

I ask that we work together as Nigerians for Nigeria. Those who voted for me, I ask that you continue to believe in our policies and plans for the country. I also ask that you reach out to your brothers and sisters who did not vote as you did. Extend to them the hand of friendship, reconciliation and togetherness. To those of you who did not vote for me, I ask you to believe in Nigeria and in the capacity of your fellow citizens, even those who voted differently than you. The better Nigeria I seek is not just for me and my supporters. It is equally yours.

I do not ask you to abandon your political preferences. That would be undemocratic. I do beseech you to answer the call of patriotic duty as the loyal opposition.

Remain loyal to the cause of a greater, more tolerant and just Nigeria. I too shall keep faith with this objective.

If we all play our proper roles, we shall begin the task of rebuilding our national home together, day by day, brick by brick notwithstanding our political differences.

As such, the victory of national progress will belong to all of us. The triumph of our nation’s democracy shall cite all of you as its very authors. This is how things should be.

Dear Nigerians, this is our country. This is our moment. We dare not waste it. Nor do we back away to accept a lesser version of ourselves and of our collective fate. We can no longer be satisfied with calling ourselves the giant of Africa. We must devote ourselves to doing those great and historic things only a giant can do. As your president elect, I shall do my utmost in this regard for this is my sworn duty.

I call upon you to come bravely forth as well, not for me but out of abiding love of country and for the people who inhabit it with you. We are so much better than we have been. Now is the time to stand fast and have faith in what this nation can be.

I, for one, am standing. But this time, i shall not be the last or only one standing. Imagine how great we can be if over 200 million other souls stand with me. Let the world see a Nigeria that nothing can stop.

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu
President -Elect,


Perish the thought of upturning Tinubu’s victory – NADECO tells PDP, LP


The National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) Renewal Group has advised the Peoples Democratic Party and the Labour Party to perish the thought of upturning the victory of President-elect, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

In a statement issued on Saturday in Ado-Ekiti, the group described Tinubu’s emergence as the best that had ever happened to Nigeria in recent times.

Its National Leader, Prof. Atilade Adeeyo described the action of Labour Party (LP) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to upturn Tinubu’s victory through the tribunal as an exercise in futility.

He said efforts by the two runners-up at the presidential election of Feb. 25, Mr Peter Obi of the LP and Alhaji Atiku Abubakar of the PDP, challenging Tinubu’s victory would not yield any positive result.

He advised the duo to accept defeat honourably so the country could move forward.

Adeeyo described Tinubu as a strategic and patriotic leader whose strong political structure spread across the six geo-political zones of the country.

He said Tinubu won the elections partly because “he is a beautiful bride that all Nigerians love.

“President-elect, Sen. Bola Tinubu has an impressive track record as a great, patriotic leader.

“He displayed this uncommon leadership trait when he served as the governor of Lagos State.

“He deployed competence and enduring capacities of a pan-Nigeria cabinet in his government to achieve giant strides in Lagos State and we all are witnesses to the awesome development that state has got,’’ he said.

Adeeyo said also that Tinubu is loved by most patriotic Nigerians because he is a builder of men and not one who pulls others down.

“This is the more reason why Nigerians will experience the best of governance under his watch as president.

“We can also assure our teeming youths to be rest assured that Tinubu will ensure that their yearnings for a greater future is taken care of when he mounts the saddle of power.

“We are standing up for our nation and Nigeria will work again. The families of those that died in the post annulment of the 1993 presidential election will wish the annulment never happened.

“I speak for thousands of members in the NADECO Renewal Group, and urge Nigerians to allow peace to reign so that we can enjoy the renewed hope promised by the president-elect,’’ Adeeyo stressed. (NAN)

Hannatu Musawa, Musa Musawa and Tinubu

Death of elder statesman Musa Musawa saddening, says Tinubu



President-elect Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has expressed sorrow over the loss of elder statesman Alhaji Musa Musawa.

Born on April 1, 1937 the deceased was a broadcaster, diplomat and astute politician. He died on Tuesday following a protracted illness.

Alhaji Musa Musawa is survived by a number of children and other family members including the deputy spokesperson of the APC Presidential Campaign Council,  Barrister Hannatu Musawa.

In a statement Wednesday morning by his media office, Asiwaju Tinubu described the late statesman from Katsina as one of the last bastions of freedom fighters who fought for Nigeria’s independence.

“He was a truly progressive and broadminded statesman. As a young man, he joined forces with like-minded comrades in the defunct Northern Elements Progressive Union (NEPU) to fight for Independence and total liberation of our people.

“In the years since independence Alhaji Musa Musawa continued to ally with progressive movements in and outside the realm of politics to advance the course of the poor and oppressed in the society.

“He was a progressive politician who paid his dues as a dedicated patriot. Nigeria has lost an illustrious son and we would miss his fatherly counsel at a time we need it the most,” Tinubu said.

The president-elect prayed Almighty Allah to forgive the shortcomings of the departed elder and offer his family the needed consolation at their moment of grief.

Abdulaziz abdulaziz
Office of the President-elect
March 8, 2023


President-elect Tinubu salutes women on IWD



On this special day, I salute Nigerian women as we join the rest of the world to celebrate this year International Women’s Day.

In our country, women have always played an important role in our social, political, and economic evolution. The story of many of our far gone heroines like Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, Margaret Ekpo, Hajia Gambo Sawaba and hundreds of Aba Women who fought for economic rights of women and contributed to the liberation struggle against colonialism will continue to inspire generations to come.

The theme of this year’s celebration, “DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality,” is not only about how we must mainstream our women into the digital economy but more importantly about the broader issues of gender equity, equality and the health developmental needs of women and girls through our practices and policies.

Embracing gender equity for us in Nigeria has progressed beyond technology adoption and participation in innovation; to a more deeper engagement about how we treat issues of economic justice, social mobility and equitable (especially political) representation of women.

Our population demography and development indices indicate that we can only progress if we harness the numerical value of the human resources, the nation is blessed with. Specifically, our women play very important roles in national life from the family units where they nurture our children who will be next generation of leaders to the farmlands, markets and boardrooms where they play their role as major economic actors.

As we celebrate our women today, I hold sacred my promise to provide the enabling environment for these goals to become manifest and usher another dimension to the strength of Nigeria – our women.

Doing this will renew hope in Project Nigeria and energize the much needed citizen engagement agenda of our administration.

I wish all Nigerian women a happy celebration.

God Bless Nigeria. God bless the soul of the nation, our women.

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu
President-Elect, Federal Republic of Nigeria


Tinubu: How Western journalists fell into a tunnel vision on Nigerian politics

Desperate to will a preferred candidate to victory, Western journalists fell into a tunnel vision on Nigerian politics.

By Ebenezer Obadare

Across the Western media, the outcome of Nigeria’s just concluded general election has been both shocking and disappointing. While the shock owes to the triumph of candidate Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC)—a contender the Western press had given next to no chance of winning—disillusionment at the outcome is attributable to the conviction that, being an icon of the old guard, a Tinubu presidency suggests a continuation of politics as usual at a moment when many Nigerians strongly desire everything but.

That a cross section of Nigerians also share this disappointment goes without saying, and it remains to be seen what policy options the president elect will pursue (provided he survives the legal challenge to the election by the Labour Party’s (LP) Peter Obi and the People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) Atiku Abubakar respectively) to win over his doubters, particularly young Nigerians who justifiably perceive that their country is headed in the wrong direction.

Beyond the shock and disappointment, however, it is important to reflect on why the Western media got it wrong on the outcome of the election, and why Western journalists, in many instances using more or less the same language, persisted in presenting Peter Obi as the election’s front runner when there was simply no evidence to support the assertion.

As an increasing number of young Nigerians—the “Obi-dient”—gravitated towards the 61-year-old Obi, raising the tantalizing prospect of a breakup of the duopoly which has monopolized power since Nigeria returned to civil rule in 1999, Western media sympathy for Obi (allied with fawning portrayal of his platform) rose in tandem.

This was understandable. In Nigerian politics, Obi was the closest thing to a unicorn—an energetic candidate who spoke the language of transparency and good governance and appeared to mean it—and perhaps for the first time in a long while, Nigerians of a certain generation had real hope that governance could be set on a new pedestal. Obi’s political rallies testified to this newfangled buoyancy and bullishness about the country’s prospects, and disillusionment at his failure at the polls has to be set against this specific affective backdrop.

But if sympathy for Obi was understandable, that he came up short, a heartbreaking outcome from the perspective of his supporters, was also not unexpected. As a matter of fact, I predicted it. In the first place, the passion of the Obi-dient, pivoting on the cultural influence of the urban educated, entertainers, influencers, celebrities, and assorted agents mobilizing a nascent digital power, could only radiate so far. Structurally, as the Nigerian media goes, so goes its social media. The political map the morning after the election confirms this.

Furthermore, and for all his undeniable bond with young people, Obi faced a practically insurmountable challenge to achieving his presidential ambition precisely because of his failure (his part in this is a matter of debate) to forge a coalition with power brokers in the predominantly Muslim north. The choice of Kaduna State-born Datti Baba-Ahmed as his running mate was clearly meant to obviate the disadvantage of not having an agreement with the core north in place, but the founder of the Abuja-based Baze University is more technocrat than pugilist, and his political footprint even at the best of times was always light. Obi’s abysmal numbers across the northern region, where the presidential contest was more or less a two-horse race between Tinubu and Abubakar puts his failure to connect in the region in bold relief.

If all this was obvious to the average student of Nigerian politics, that it continued to elude Western journalists is one of the more puzzling aspects of their coverage of the election. Their first error was to characterize as a “political outsider” a savvy veteran who only four years ago ran as running mate to Abubakar on the platform of the PDP, and in May 2022 was still gearing up to pick up the same party’s presidential ticket until he was outmaneuvered by Abubakar. By the same illogic, Obi would soon be anointed as the “front-runner” in the election even when it was abundantly clear that Tinubu and Abubakar, for political and structural reasons sketched above, were the two candidates to beat. That these reasons might have been unpalatable if one were favorably disposed to Obi’s candidacy does nothing to change their status as brute facts.

There were other mistakes. Pressured as to the reason for their confidence in Obi as a front-runner in the election, Western journalists regularly cited surveys, many of which, by omission or design, seem to have been armored against evidence. Persistent warnings about the limitations of polling in light of Nigeria’s sociological and ethno-regional particulars went unheeded. Nor did many Western journalists seem willing to make the simple admission that the voice of young Nigerians as encapsulated in the Obi-dient movement, while legitimate, did not necessarily aggregate the voice of every young Nigerian. No allowance was made for the country’s obvious political and cultural heterogeneity, nor was there any curiosity about parts of the country where comparatively low levels of literacy and technological diffusion have historically signalled a contrary sensibility.

Perhaps Western journalists might have seen things differently if only they bothered to look, but such was their hurry to report a feel-good story of youth resurgence and political revitalization about an African country where such tends to be scarce; such, in addition was the umbilical connection between the same journalists and the Obi-dient, that the only “facts” available to them were those afforded by the bubble into which they had sealed themselves. Hence the spectacle of an echo chamber in which both the Western and Obi-dient media glibly cross-referenced each other, impervious to the kind of contrary information or perspective that might have forced them to adjust their lens.

That the Western press meant well is not in question. Obi was a breath of fresh air in a country where political criminality is a tautology more or less, and he ran against two representatives of the establishment deeply loathed by many. While that may be understandable, there is simply no excuse for its mischaracterization of Obi, never mind its scandalous negligence of the basic realities of Nigerian politics.

By recklessly propping up Obi, hence giving the impression that he was on his way to the presidency, they have contributed to the public’s loss of confidence in the integrity of the Nigerian election.

*This article was first published 7 March in Council on Foreign Relations journal with the title: The Lagos-New York-London Echo Chamber.

Tinubu with Governor Dave Umahi

I prayed for Tinubu’s victory, I didn’t hide it – Gov. Umahi


Gov. David Umahi of Ebonyi has said that he prayed for Sen. Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) to win the presidential election of February 25.

Umahi said this on Tuesday in Abakaliki, while addressing stakeholders and people of Izzi clan ahead of the March 11 Governorship and House of Assembly polls.

He said that he did not hide his supplications to God that Tinubu and all the APC candidates should win at the polls.

“I prayed to God to bring Tinubu on board, give me a voice to stand with the people and bring unity to Nigeria.

“I promised God that I will fight a battle to re-unite this country and bring peace and prosperity to it.

“This is my pledge to God and I will do it because it is time for the leaders of this country to make sacrifices.

“The situation is bad, the country’s resources can develop it, with Ebonyi being an example,” the governor said.

He urged the Igbo people to support the government in power in their various states of abode for them to have peace.

“Ndigbo should support APC governors in particular, support Babajide Sanwo-Olu in Lagos and Nyesom Wike in Rivers, among others.

“It is where a man lives that he prospers as you can’t be staying in a place and plot against its people,” he said.

Umahi urged the Izzi people to be united to win the gubernatorial poll because it was their turn according to the existing charter of equity in the state.

“I cannot support anybody from the Southern Senatorial District as myself to succeed me.

“Anybody from Izzi supporting someone from the south to become governor is not normal but you should not fight such a person.

“Such a person has already destroyed him or herself because this is pay back time for you for supporting the south in 2015,” Umahi said.

The Chairman of Abakaliki Local Government Area, Mr Ebere Nwogba, thanked the governor for convening the meeting, saying that they appreciated his good intentions towards them.

Prominent persons from the area took turn to thank the governor for fulfilling his promise to support one of their own to succeed him.

Buhari and Tinubu

Buhari in Qatar urges Nigerians to support Tinubu’s government


President Muhammadu Buhari has called on Nigerians living in Doha, Qatar, to support President-elect, Sen. Bola Tinubu, as he takes over the reins of government on May 29.

Malam Garba Shehu, the President’s media aide in a statement on Wednesday said the president made the call at a Town Hall meeting as part of his visit to the State of Qatar, on Tuesday.

Buhari said his administration set forward to emplace credible, transparent and fair elections which will conclude on March 11, with the Governorship and State Assembly elections.

He therefore called on them to “support the incoming government of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, so that Nigeria will continue to be the beacon of hope and prosperity in our continent and an example for other African countries to emulate.”

Speaking further, the president acknowledged the noble roles that Nigerians in Diaspora all over the world had been playing in the development of Nigeria.

He added that his administration had approved a National Diaspora Policy, and supported the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) all the way to develop programmes for the engagement of Nigerians in the Diaspora for the ‘ambassadors’ to contribute their quota towards the development of their fatherland.

In his remarks, the Nigerian Ambassador to the State of Qatar, Yakubu Ahmed congratulated Buhari for conducting successful Presidential and National Assembly elections on Feb. 25, 2023.

According to him, the process has proven that Nigeria’s democracy is indeed strong while praying for an equally successful Governorship and State Assembly elections.

Ahmed informed the president that Nigeria and the State of Qatar had maintained brotherly bilateral relationship since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 2013.

According to the ambassador, there are currently about 7,000 Nigerians residing in Qatar, and gainfully engaged in diverse areas of human endeavours.

“I’m proud to inform you, Your Excellency that majority of our nationals in Doha are professionals who have excelled in their chosen careers, playing critical roles in healthcare, safety, oil and gas, aviation, construction, among other sectors,” he added

Speaking on behalf of the Nigerian community in the country, Dr Arabo Ibrahim, a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, said he had every reason to thank the President especially for restoring peace in the North-eastern part of Nigeria.

“Our people were chased out of Mubi in Adamawa State by Boko Haran terrorists, peace is back.

”Now we go there and sleep peacefully. There is a lot of food now. People from the neighboring countries even come to buy food in Nigeria,” he added.

Another member of the community, Prof. Akintunde Akinade, also thanked President Buhari for conducting an electoral process “alluded to as one of the best. We have gone through elections many times before and we all know what it’s all about.

”This is an election where money has taken a back seat. We’re very grateful to see what has happened this time in the presidential election.

”Thank you for bringing sanity to the country and the electoral process. We wish that this would continue.”

He equally lauded the president for the infrastructural revolution in the country, his anti-corruption war, keeping Nigeria together as well as his well-known democratic crusade in Africa.

“I really want to thank you for your unwavering critique of African Presidents that really want to stay in office forever. I wish you a well-deserved rest,” he added.

The event was put together by the Chairman, Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, Abike Dabiri Erewa. (NAN)

Adamu, Tinubu and Shettima

Pakistani PM Sharif sends message to Nigeria’s President-elect Tinubu


The Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr Shehbaz Sharif, has congratulated Nigeria’s President-elect, Sen. Bola Tinubu on his victory at the Feb. 25 presidential poll.

Pakistan High Commission in Nigeria in a statement said that Pakistan and Nigeria had maintained cordial ties that would see an upward momentum particularly in the areas of defence, trade and economy.

“My fecilitation to Mr Bola Tinubu on his victory at the Nigerian presidential election.

“Pakistan and Nigeria maintain cordial ties that will see an upward momentum particularly in areas of defence, trade and economy.

“My best wishes to the President-elect,” Sharif was quoted as adding

Wamakko and Tinubu

Wamakko thanks Sokoto voters, congratulates Tinubu


Sen. Aliyu Wamakko (APC-Sokoto North) has congratulated the President-elect, Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu over his landslide victory at the Feb 25, presidential election.

Wamakko, in a statement issued to newsmen in Sokoto on Friday by Bashar Abubakar, his Special Assistant, Media and Publicity said the victory was a sign of a renewed hope for the country.

The lawmaker, who is the APC leader in the state expressed confidence that Tinubu would bring more positive developmental projects to bolster the growth of Nigeria.

“I thank the people of Sokoto State for voting Tinubu massively during the polls and appeal to them replicate the feat during the forthcoming Governorship and State Assembly elections.

“We should come out en masse, without any fear of intimidation from anybody and cast our votes for APC’s gubernatorial candidate, Ahmad Aliyu and all the party’s candidates for the seats of the State House of Assembly,” Wamakko urged

He, however, expressed dismay over a video clip that went viral on social media platforms of a high personality in the state belonging to an opposition political party.

”He was calling on members of the vigilante group and thugs to support that party to actualise its political dreams.

“This personality should know he was given the Holy Book (Qur’an) to swear that he will protect the integrity, lives and property of the good people of all Sokoto state.

“But, unfortunately he resorted to go violent just to achieving his selfish political goals.

“As such, I am advising him to fear the Almighty Allah to rescind his action in the best interest of the good people of our state,” Wamakko said.

Meanwhile, APC gubernatorial candidate in the State, Ahmad Aliyu has received Alhaji Kasimu Malami from Sarkin Zamfara ‘A’ Ward of Sokoto South Local Government, who defected to APC from PDP.

Aliyu, while welcoming the new comer into APC, assured him of equal treatment in its affairs


Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a man of many traditional honours across the country, from north to south, west to east. The array of titles he has garnered was only comparable to that of Chief Moshood Abiola, winner of the 1993 Presidential election.


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