Day: March 27, 2023

Obi and Atiku

Obi and Atiku shopping for ‘Guguru ati epa’


By Kassim Afegbua

Na me win. No be you, na me. You come 3rd. You come 2nd. If the 1st person no dey, na the 2nd person go take him place. Abi you wan become another Uzodinma: Datti Baba-Ahmed was asked on Channels TV if he truly believed the elections were rigged; he answered in the affirmative. Also, he was asked if his 6.1million votes were rigged; and he said, no. I then fell off my seat in a gale of laughter! What a smart Alec. Mr Datti, your votes were not rigged, but other contestants votes were rigged; in the same election conducted by the same umpire, at the same time across the country. Hypocrisy will not stop amusing my sensibilities. Desperate to make their own votes clean, Datti exposed the dubiety of his mind and the impropriety of his duplicity. His pair scored 6.1m votes in the election; and following his response, his own votes were clean. Another candidate scored 8.7m votes; still following his response, those votes were rigged. How shallow, ridiculous, insensible, and laughable. Double standards and the height of hypocrisy is my take. This is the hallmark of the Obi-datti mentality; if it is not them, every other person is wrong. What a vacuous mentality!!.

The response of Datti Baba-Ahmed, Peter Obi’s second leg, typifies the desperation in their evocation. It is all about self interest, and not collective interest. The same Baba-Ahmed who couldn’t penetrate his North to garner votes, is the one complaining about being rigged out. Like the chichidodo bird, his votes are clean, as he said they were not rigged votes, but was quick to say the election was rigged. Weren’t his 6.1m votes part of the election? How did he separate the 6.1m votes from the rest to arrive at their cleanness while others are soiled with rigging? Probing further, Datti is crying out that the deserved winner of the election, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, should not be sworn-in on the 29th of May for reasons that I’ll say interrogate his mental presence. I guess he prefers an unelected system of an interregnum to replace this electoral outcome. How senseless!. So, because it doesn’t favour your expectation, all hell must be let loose. And this is the orientation of someone who was preparing to be the number 2 citizen with the possibility of becoming number 1, displaying such level of warped reasoning. Making such an incendiary statement at this volatile period of our political trajectory is utterly condemnable and suspicious.

Now, let us advance a simple logic to expose the illogical position of the losers. For the Senate elections, APC dominates. For the House of Reps elections, APC dominates. These two elections were conducted on the same day and time as the presidential election. Having dominated the outcome of these two elections, Datti’s theory of victory, would then mean that APC couldn’t have won the presidential: the APC voters, in Datti’s infamous reasoning, having voted APC for the Senate and House of Reps, decided to ignore the presidential. How can a political party that won majority votes in both Senate and House of Reps elections, not score majority votes in the presidential election, knowing full well that all three elections were held on the same day and hour. Furthermore, Datti and his leader, Peter Obi, celebrated the outcome of the Senate and Reps election, but are picking holes with the Presidential one. How logical is that? It would have made a remarkable difference if the Labour Party had gotten majority in the Senate and Reps elections, then fell short at the presidential. Then, we all would have been in doubt about the outcome. The APC led in all the three categories of the elections, and yet, you are shouting blue murder. Even in the governorship and House of Assemblies ones, the APC had majority votes. Sorry for your loss, those who lost.

Obi’s political razzmatazz is becoming a fluke, judging by the outcome of the governorship and the House of Assembly election when compared with his previous outing at the presidential election. From 6.1m votes at the presidential election, Obi’s Labour Party fell quite on its back, to less than 700,000 votes throughout the entire country. That is a clear failure; and it goes to confirm the earlier claims that, the Labour Party has no structure. In the South-East, where it put up a mind-boggling showing, recording huge figures, the following election exposed its rotten underbelly such that only one governor came out of the ashes of its structure-less architecture. Alex Otti’s win in Abia state was even actually based on his own popularity and not on the razzmatazz of Obi’s father-figure. In Enugu, efforts were made by the Labour Party to railroad the process to produce the governor. A friend of mine, a Labour Party chieftain, called me from Enugu and told me he would expose Obi if Enugu was wrongfully “allocated” to the Labour Party. The threats and intimidation according to him, were out of this world; he acknowledged that it was mortally wrong for a Party that preaches new dynamics to be involved in such untoward conduct all in a bid to deliver Enugu into its fold. So, aside from Lagos, Enugu, and Abia, other states recorded abysmal outcomes for the Labour Party; with all their votes put together across the country falling at a little below 700k.

It then means that barely three weeks after Obi’s so-called showing, of 6.1m votes, he and his party, plummeted to such an odious rejection. Obi’s 6.1million votes could only produce one governor out of the 28 governorship seats that were vied for. The correlation defeats the very popularity upon which plank Obi hinged his presidential project. Or else what happened? His Vice Presidential candidate, Datti Baba-Ahmed could not pull together any serious force in his native Kaduna state. Those who had latched unto Obi’s so-called popularity could not believe their eyes when the other results were being released. And curiously also, complaints of INEC being “unfit” to conduct “credible elections” suddenly evaporated. All the razzmatazz about Obi’s popularity was a mere fluke, what we call “Obubuyaya” in local edo parlance; sheer malapropism, to describe an unreal situation. I am sure it has dawned on Obi that he cannot sustain the concentric force that aided his push for presidency. Dropping to such an abysmal height within three weeks, is like pulling the wool off the people’s faces and forcing them out of reverie . When one reconciles all these realities and juxtaposes them with Obi’s strong claim to the presidency, they don’t add up. They are like two straight and parallel lines that can never meet.

Finally on this issue, Peter Obi and Atiku Abubakar should stop behaving like bad losers, raising all manner of issues to pollute public discourse and gather cheap sentiments. A winner has emerged, and deservedly so, and his party, the APC has shown cause to be so recognised. It has the highest number of Senators, the highest number of House of Representatives and the highest number of House of Assembly members, and of course, the President and his Vice.

The Labour Party failed to show its grit and gravitas after the presidential election and only managed to secure a governorship seat. The PDP also, followed its earlier pattern for governors and lawmakers. Nothing fundamentally changed. It is time to move on. It is time to sheathe the sword of election and chart a roadmap for a new beginning.

The Tinubu presidency, more of a Pan-Nigeria presidency, will be more embracing and accommodating than Obi’s ethnic and pro-christian presidency or Atiku’s pro-North presidency. Tinubu’s presidency will be more unifying, and more engaging than the others. Given the present fragility across the land, people must bury their individual interest, and promote a sense of collectivism to deepen our national narratives. May 29 will surely be a new dawn and we must look forward to it without distraction.

Obi and Atiku are becoming more like irritants and pests, and soon enough, they would become boring actors in the political chess board. Welcome on board, President-elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Laughter is in the morning ensconced. Give Peter Obi some “guguru”,(pop corn) give Atiku Abubakar some Epa, (groundnut), you would have gotten a perfect combination.

Mahmood Yakubu INEC-Chairman

Enough of Political Rascality Over 2023 General Elections


Being the text of a Press Conference addressed by a Coalition of Civil Society Organizations on the outcome of the just concluded general elections and the State of the Nation today, Monday, 27th March, 2023.


We want to start by passing our warmest regards and salute to NIGERIANs for their commitment to the unity of Nigeria by coming out to express their democratic right in the just concluded general elections, we also commend all the institutions that took active part in the exercise which includes INEC, all the Security agencies, EFCC, Members of the Fourth Estate/the Media and the accredited local and international observers.

We in the civil society community have watched recent events in the nation’s body polity with keen interest. We have observed this negative trend since the end of the recently held 2023 General Elections notwithstanding the inconclusiveness of two states gubernatorial elections, with deep feeling of anger and disbelief regarding the effect that the country seems to be moving away from the path of sanity and civility to a steady descent to anarchy and chaos.

Due to this, we as democrats, can no longer fold our arms and do nothing as responsible stakeholders in the Nigerian project.

For the purpose of emphasis, what the country has been passing through since the 2023 general elections is nothing more than political rascality, irresponsibility, crudity, recklessness, insensitivity and treasonable acts which threaten our nation’s democracy and national security.

As you all know, we have been active players in Nigeria’s political life since the days of military despotism in the 80’s and 90’s.

We have even been very active since our tertiary education days as young adults till now and our roles in the civil society movement are very much well known and documented.

For the avoidance of doubt, our series of advocacy have brought us to follow in the footsteps of leading lights in the civil society movement such as the likes of Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Beko Ransome Kuti, Anthony Enahoro, Baba Omojola, Alfred Ilenre, Chima Ubani, Admiral Ndubuisi Kanu, Cmdr. Dan Suleiman, Alao Aka Bashorun, Hajiya Gambo Sawaba, Ola Oni, Arthur Nwankwo, Prof Jadesola Akande, Alhaja Raliat Daniju, all of blessed memory.

We are also glad that some of the shinning lights such as Chief Ayo Opadokun, Prof Wole Soyinka, Dr. Keziah Awosika, Fred Agbeyegbe, Ayo Obe, Titi Akosa, Prof Femi Obayori, Biodun Aremu etc are still alive but remain sad that the country of our dreams that was hoped and laboured for, is still far away from the proverbial Eldorado.

It is to the credit of these patriots and many more persons of like minds and interest, that they were able to galvanize the society for good governance and democracy in their lifetime and thus played critical roles in terminating military dictatorship in Nigeria. Their heroic stance and actions are well acknowledged and receipted by history.

Collectively with these giants, we sacrificed sweat, limbs and lives of the Nigerian people at great costs to birth this democracy in 1999 and we will not fold our arms and watch it derided, demarketed, maligned, discredited and truncated by elements that lack democratic ethos and credentials.

We refer to characters who lack proper understanding of democracy and its values and are not ready to learn, have obstinately refused to imbibe the tenets of democracy which is about the will of the majority over the minority as expressed by all Nigerians who came out to vote at the polls.

Following the fair, successful and credible conduct of the 2023 general elections by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), whom we commend for the marvelous work it has done despite all the landmines laid in its path, we have watched with bated breadth and shock, how some characters are plotting to truncate our hard earned democracy at all costs through treasonable and subversive calls for the installation of an interim government.

These unpatriotic elements have resorted to fake news, hate speech, lies, falsehood, misinformation and campaign of blackmail and calumny against all known national institutions with a view to arm twisting and blackmailing them to toe their ignoble and undemocratic line.

Wickedly of them, their sinister and unpatriotic actions have caused threats to the lives of Nigerians because their party and candidate lost an election.

If we all recall, while INEC was busy with the collation of the Presidential and National Assembly Elections results, two bitter and sore losers presidential candidates and members of their political parties having seen the handwriting of defeat on the wall via their manually collated party agents results from the polling units, to the wards, local government levels and state collation centres, started calling for the cancellation of the presidential election midway citing irregularity of non uploading of the results to the IRev by INEC and sadly, this irresponsible, insensitive, reckless, provocative and treasonable call was echoed by a former President of Nigeria whose place is cemented in our political history as the progenitor of do or die politics, who supervised the most scandalous elections in our national life.

Ladies and gentlemen, we want it placed on record, that we condemn in totality the pockets of violence, voters intimidation and harassment which occurred in some polling stations during the elections and we demand that the security agencies investigate and take appropriate action to remedy these infractions that have become a recurring decimal across the country at every election cycle.

However, we reject in strong terms the attempt to taint the credibility of the 2023 general elections by anti democratic elements who have taken their campaign of calumny against the successful and credible conduct of the elections to a ridiculous height by describing it as the worst in Nigeria’s history, that it was marred by electoral violence and voters suppression which is at variance with the facts on the ground.

According to a report published by socioeconomic research firm SBM, voters intimidation, harassment and assault were only reported in 5% of the polling stations nationwide. This figures reflect a downward trend of violence. The 2023 general elections was the least violent in Nigeria’s election history and the data of election history below will validate our position.

Elections Years/deaths
1964/65 – 200
1993 – 100
1999 – 80
2003 – 100
2007 – 300
2011 – 800
2015 – 100
2019 – 150
2023 – 13-28

From the report, we can confirm that 13 persons were killed in 36 incidents across Nigeria, but this figure could go as high as 28 if we consider some media reports of deaths which is subject to verification.

Thus, like we say, data don’t lie, so how can any responsible person be engaged in lies, falsehood and blackmail of the 2023 general elections in the face of obvious facts that its violence rate shows a steady decline unlike in previous elections?

It is a well known fact that Nigeria operates a constitutional democracy in which the process for the installation of a government has been prescribed as through universal suffrage (election) by the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

The same Constitution also provides room for aggrieved parties to seek redress for any perceived infraction through the Election Petitions Tribunal and the Courts.

Nowhere in the 1999 Constitution (as amended), is it stipulated that when an election) is conducted and results declared, that the aggrieved parties, candidates and supporters can resort to street protests, threats of violence, call for cancellation of election or installation of an interim government.

The Constitution does not permit for aggrieved candidate(s) or party to engage in peddling of fake news, hate speech, lies, falsehood, misinformation, incitements, campaign of blackmail, intimidation and calumny against the state through threats of breakdown of law and order.

The Constitution does not permit for aggrieved candidate(s) or party to engage in peddling of fake news, hate speech, lies, falsehood, misinformation, incitements, campaign of blackmail, intimidation and calumny against the state through threats of breakdown of law and order.

Any party, candidate or its agents resorting to the above mentioned anti- democratic acts and threats to national security under our laws, is liable for treason and we urge the government to activate all its law enforcement agencies to act swiftly to prevent this ticking bomb that threaten our collective peaceful co-existence.

We are shocked and amused that while going to court to challenge the outcome of the presidential election which was conducted successfully and creditably by INEC in which they lost, same aggrieved candidates and their party are in the same breadth hypocritically applauding and commending the conduct of national and state houses of assembly and governorship elections by same INEC in which they won, these political parties, its candidates and agents have been making provocative, irresponsible, insensitive, reckless, undemocratic and subversive statements against democracy and national security through interviews, comments, sponsored rallies which is condemnable and unacceptable.

We also condemn in strong terms, the subversive and unGodly sermons from anti democratic elements accomplices on the pulpit who have desecrated the altar of God for political expediency.

Everyday, the sensibilities of Nigerians are assaulted and traumatized by the so called men of God denigrating the Lord’s temple for filthy political lucre which is very sad, unfortunate, reprehensible and despicable.

We however want to use this opportunity to admonish these agents of destabilization, that as Nigerians who went to the polls peacefully and orderly to exercise our franchise on election day and even observe the elections, we will no longer fold our arms and watch them discredit and undermine our democracy and national security for their selfish end.

We state that as organizations which observed the 2023 general elections under our umbrella body, we affirm that the elections were conducted in substantial compliance with provisions of the electoral Act 2022 and the outcome reflected the will of the people as expressed at the polls.

The treasonable comments and conducts being exhibited over an election that was creditably conducted in substantial compliance with provisions of the Electoral Act, which they lost is becoming embarrassing and unbearable.

The silence of the majority of Nigerians who voted for the President-elect and other candidates who won at the polls, must not be mistaken for cowardice, enough is enough!

We commend the media for the professionalism and objectivity exhibited before, during and after the elections and appeal to them to continue to uphold the ethics of the profession just as we charge them to educate and sensitize innocent and peace loving Nigerians on the tenets of democracy which is being daily debased, abused and assaulted by these anti democratic elements just to confuse and incite the people for selfish end, enough is enough!

Finally, we commend our hardworking and tireless security and anti graft agencies for their professionalism, impartiality and dedication to duty which contributed in no small measure to the success and credibility of the elections and particularly urge the security agencies to rein in these anti democratic elements to face the law for subversion and treason where it is established after investigation.

Enough is Enough of political rascality over the 2023 general elections.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Thank you all for your attention.

Yours Sincerely,

Razaq Olokoba
Campaign for Dignity in Governance

Nelson Ekujumi
Committee for the Protection of Peoples Mandate

Titi Akosa
Center for 21st Century Issues

Raji Rasheed Oyewumi
Movement for Democratic Change

Alex Omotehinse
Center for Human and Socio-economic Rights

President-elect Tinubu

Tinubu calls for prayers, thanksgiving to mark birthday


President-elect Asíwájú Tinubu calls for prayers, thanksgiving to mark 71st birthday

To mark his 71st birthday, President-elect Asíwájú Bola Ahmed Tinubu has directed that special prayers and thanksgiving service be held on Wednesday March 29, 2023, instead of the yearly birthday colloquium.

The special prayers will be held in Lagos and in other parts of the country.

A statement from his office on Monday indicated that for the main event in Lagos special prayers will be offered at the Central Mosque in each of the five divisions in the state including the Central Mosque, Alausa, Ikeja.

During the prayer sessions, special prayers will be offered for the peace, unity and progress of Nigeria.

Also to receive prayers among others are President Muhammadu Buhari and First Lady Aisha Buhari, President-elect Tinubu and his wife, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, Vice President-elect Senator Kashim Shettima and Hajia Nana Shettima, Governor Babajide Sanwo-olu, other state governors as well as members of National and State Houses of Assembly.

According to an announcement by the organisers of the prayer sessions issued by Imam Akeem Kosoko, the session at Alausa Central Mosque will begin at 10am on Wednesday and will include delivery of sermons and reading from the Holy Quran.

This year will be the third in recent times the birthday colloquium will not hold in deference to developments in the country.

In 2020, the 12th edition of the colloquium marking Asíwájú’s 68th birthday was put off to empathize with those who lost their lives or affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

And last year, the birthday symposium was also called off by Asíwájú Tinubu right at the venue of the event when news emerged of the terror attack on the Abuja-Kaduna train in which several persons died and many others abducted.
The Eko Hotel and Suites, Lagos venue was already filled to capacity with dignitaries to celebrate the birthday when Asíwájú took to the podium to announce the cancellation of the event.
The former Governor of Lagos had said it would not be proper for him as a statesman to be celebrating when such a tragedy had befallen the nation.

“For me to be here celebrating, dancing and enjoying myself, does not speak of me as a senior citizen of this country. I asked that the cleric should rather engage in prayers. This event should not be holding,” Tinubu had said on the occasion.

This year, the president-elect said the date, which falls within the holy month of Ramadan, should be dedicated to prayers and seeking God’s guidance for him and the country as he prepares to take the reins of leadership.

Office of the President-elect,
Tunde Rahman
March 27, 2023.

Iyorchia Ayu

Court bars Ayu as PDP chairman: Removal plot enters phase 2

The plot to remove Dr Iyorchia Ayu as PDP chairman entered a new phase Monday, with a Makurdi high Court restraining him from parading himself as chairman of the party.

The order subsists pending the determination of the substantive suit, which has been adjourned till 17 April 2023.

Channels TV reported that a member of the PDP from Benue, Terhide Utaan, who is the plaintiff obtained the order, made by Justice W. I Kpochi.

Ayu was suspended late last week by his home ward in Benue for anti-party activities in the wake of the party’s loss in the presidential election.

The ward suspended Ayu after passing a vote of no confidence on him, in a move similar to the way Comrade Adams Oshiomhole was removed as chairman of APC.

The move was also similar to the way the PDP got rid of Ayu’s predecessor Prince Uche Secondus.

Secretary of the party in Igyorov ward, Vanger Dooyum, said Ayu’s anti-party activities – alongside his allies – contributed to PDP’s loss in his ward and local government in the governorship election.

Ayu was also accused of not paying his annual dues as enshrined by the party’s constitution.

Twelve out of the seventeen exco members, including the ward chairman Kashi Philip signed the letter endorsing Ayu’s suspension.

They also alleged that the PDP chairman did not vote during the governorship and state assembly elections held on 18 March.

According to them, most of Ayu’s closest allies worked for the opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) which resulted in the abysmal performance of the PDP in Igyorov Ward.

Ayu’s political rival in the PDP and Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike on Monday, said he is elated that Benue State ward exco passed a vote of no confidence in him.

“I am not from Benue State, but I am happy, and now that Benue State has done it, we would now come out and say we are in support of it,” he said.

Iyorchia Ayu

Home trouble for Ayu: PDP chairman suspended by Benue ward executives


The National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Iyorchia Ayu, has been suspended with immediate effect by executives of his home ward in Benue state.

The ward suspended Ayu for anti-party activities after passing a vote of no confidence on him, in a move similar to the way Comrade Adams Oshiomhole was removed as chairman of APC.

The move was also similar to the way the PDP got rid of Ayu’s predecessor Prince Uche Secondus.

In November 2019 Oshiomhole was suspended by the APC leadership in his Etsako Ward 10 in Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State for alleged anti-party activities.

His legal fight to retain his job ended with the appeal court ruling in June 2020, affirming his suspension as party member.

Similarly, Prince Uche Secondus, Ayu’s predecessor was suspended by Ward 5 of Andoni Local Government Area of the state, which is his primary base, after an extraordinary meeting of the ward executives on 31 August 2021.

Ayu’s ward in Benue appeared to be following the script.

Secretary of the party in Igyorov ward, Vanger Dooyum, said Ayu’s anti-party activities – alongside his allies – contributed to PDP’s loss in his ward and local government in the governorship election.

Ayu was also accused of not paying his annual dues as enshrined by the party’s constitution.

Twelve out of the seventeen exco members, including the ward chairman Kashi Philip signed the letter endorsing Ayu’s suspension.

They also alleged that the PDP chairman did not vote during the governorship and state assembly elections held on 18 March.

According to them, most of Ayu’s closest allies worked for the opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) which resulted in the abysmal performance of the PDP in Igyorov Ward.

Kebbi APC governorship candidate Nasir Idris and PDP rival Bande

Kebbi APC demands removal of returning officer Yusuf Sa’idu


The Kebbi State All Progressives Congress (APC) has appealed to Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to remove Prof. Yusuf Sa’idu, the Collation/Returning Officer for governorship election in the state.

Alhajl Kabiru Sani-Giant, Chairman, APC Kebbi State Publicity Committee for governorship campaign, while addressing media men in Birnin Kebbi on Sunday, said the call was because of Sa’idu’s alliance with a political party.

“As a matter of urgency, we call on the INEC Chairman, Prof. Mahmud Yakubu, to remove the Kebbi State governorship election collation/returning officer, Prof. Yusuf Sa’idu, because of his sentiment and bias in discharging his official responsibility in the last election.

“This will bring sanity to the re-run of the gubernatorial elections because the APC in the state is not comfortable with the collation officer due to his alliance with other political parties.”

He argued that the APC governorship candidate, Dr Nasir Idris, had already won the March 18 election with a wide margin.

He added that their candidate was supposed to be declared winner of the election, “but the collation/returning officer went ahead to declare it inconclusive.”

Sani-Giant, who is also the National Coordinator of Tinubu/Shettima ST7 2023, said that the results from the election showed that APC’s candidate polled 388,258, while his closest rival, PDP candidate, retired Maj.-Gen. Aminu Bande, polled 342,980 votes.

“Going by this result, there is no need to declare the election inconclusive. Our candidate has won straight away, because he is leading with 45,278 votes.

“In some states, candidates were declared winners when the margin was a fraction of that. There is no need for a supplementary election,” he said,

He noted that INEC cancelled election results in some polling units because of over voting and violence, insisting that the law states that any polling unit cancelled due to violence would automatically record zero vote.

“Remember, the PDP candidate’s wife heads a department in INEC. It was also the PDP that triggered violence in some of the polling units because they knew that such polling units are our strongholds.

“I, therefore, urge INEC to immediately declare our candidate as the winner of the election so that the people of Kebbi State will have peace of mind and go about their normal business,” he said

INEC two weeks ago declared the election in Kebbi as “inconclusive”.

Sa’idu of the Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto said there were cancellations in 20 of the 21 Local Government Areas of Kebbi State, cutting across a number of Registration Areas (RAs) in different polling units.

“We aggregated the total number of collected PVCs in those polling units and it came to a total of 91,829.

“And when we checked the results, the two leading political parties in this contest, APC and PDP polled 388,258 and 342,980 votes respectively. When we looked at the difference, it stands at 45,278.”

He noted that they had no option than to refer to the electoral laws on page 31 of the Electoral Act 2022, section 51 sub-sections two and three for guidance.

The section reads: “Where the number of votes cast in an election in any polling unit exceeds the number of accredited voters in that polling unit, the presiding officer shall cancel the result of the election in that polling unit.

“Sub section three of section 51 also states that where the result of an election is cancelled in accordance with sub-section two, there shall be no return for the election until another poll has taken place in the affected polling unit.

“By virtue of this provisions and the powers vested in me as the collation and returning officer of 2023 gubernatorial election in Kebbi State, I, Prof. Yusuf Sa’idu of the Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto, hereby declare the gubernatorial election in Kebbi State inconclusive.”

Uba Sani

8 Kaduna governorship candidates pledge cooperation with Uba Sani

Eight governorship candidates from AA, PRP, NRM, SDP, APP, ADC, RM and ACCORD have pledged to cooperate with Kaduna Governor-elect Uba Sani.

The candidates made the pledge when they visited Sani on Sunday to congratulate him as they expressed their readiness to work with the governor-elect for the development of the state.

According to a spokesman of the group, leadership comes from God.

After the elections, there is the need to find a way of uniting the people of the state to ensure continuous development, the spokesman said.

Sani said he will carry out the people’s democratic directives with focus and dedication.

He reiterated that he will govern for all, no matter how they voted without discrimination for continued progress, peace and prosperity of the state.

“Kaduna state needs all of us and as leaders, we need unity to be able to move forward,” he noted.
He said the people of Kaduna State have given him their mandate to lead in serving them for the next four years, believing that that he will unite everyone.

He also thanked all the candidates for expressing their readiness to work with him, and urged them to reach out to everyone, irrespective of differences, to move the state forward and strengthen the path to development.

He noted that the eight political party manifestos are similar with his and they will work closely for the development of the state.

“I am not going to take your support for granted because I believe that all of you have all it takes to move Kaduna state forward,” he said.

The governor-elect also received a delegation of members of progressive pastors forum on a similar visit.

He thanked them for the visit and assured that he would work with everyone.

According to him, “as leaders we have the responsibility to carry everyone along and be treated equally.”

He noted that elections are now over and this is the time to work towards developing Kaduna.

In his remarks, national coordinator of the progressive pastors Forum, Rev Emmanuel Adebayo, said the aim of their visit was to felicitate with the governor-elect on his victory.

He said they are satisfied with the election after following it closely and are willing to give their total support to his administration.

Adebayo called on the governor-elect to start building bridges across all segments of the society


Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a man of many traditional honours across the country, from north to south, west to east. The array of titles he has garnered was only comparable to that of Chief Moshood Abiola, winner of the 1993 Presidential election.


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